
You relax, we do business law. For YOU.

"Laurențiu, Laurențiu & Asociații has an excellent reputation for advising companies" — LEGAL500
"Laurențiu, Laurențiu & Asociații is one of the top choices" — LEGAL500
"Laurențiu, Laurențiu & Asociații is an extremely popular choice for employers" — LEGAL500

We are

We know that in order to do top tier business law, law alone is not enough and a one-sided approach, only considering the legal provisions, is not always suited and possibly even detrimental. We need to understand your business as well. And we do.

Thus, for 17 years, we have been a trusted business advisor for a significant part of the national and multinational companies based in Transylvania and not only.  And, for the last 8 years in a row, we have been the only law firm in Romania outside Bucharest to be ranked in LEGAL 500. 

Due to the partnerships concluded over time with law firms almost all over the world, we are able to provide legal services for clients wherever their needs are or may take them. 

Members of

A strong international lawyers association, therefore able, due to the partnerships concluded over time with law firms almost all over the world, to provide legal services for clients wherever the clients’ needs are or may take them.

In partnership with

top ranked by


We are 3 partners working together from the very beginning of our carriers. So we grew up in symbiosis, developing skills and specialization that complete each-other in order to and create a team brighter and stronger than any of us alone, allowing us to take on challenging, highly complex, innovating projects. At the same time, we rely on and are growing a highly professional team of associates to become our future partners. 

We do

Legal fresh – Up to Date

The Pursuit of Freedom

One entirely new way of living, two distinct words and millions of people around the world that would give up just about anything for it. What could we be possibly talking about? Well, does the phrase “digital nomad” ring any bells? This phrase generally conjures the image of a millennial expat in Bali, spamming his Instagram followers with selfies from a luxury villa, a computer in one hand and a gin tonic in the other. His social media bio: “Living on my own terms”.


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You relax, we do business law. For YOU.