

From stricter merger controls and increased antitrust rules enforcement to new referral guides adopted by the EU Commission, the competition law arena faces new challenges from the ever-changing economic environment, especially following the economic developments in the context of the Covid19 pandemic.

Understanding the local and EU laws, taking into account the competition regulations when structuring the deals and performing internal compliance audits can prove crucial and make the difference in case of an antitrust investigation.

Our lawyers’ very good knowledge in this field and, therefore, their precision in identifying the risks, together with the capacity of understanding the client’s business and the strategic, business-oriented approach in each individual case make our Competition department the one that you need by your side in competition related cases.  

Among others, the department provides legal assistance in the full range of antitrust, merger control, state aid and compliance issues, such as:

  • mergers, joint ventures, and acquisitions clearance,
  • state aid advice,
  • internal compliance audits,
  • compliance training,
  • antitrust and unfair competition disputes,
  • review of contracts to ensure competition compliance,
  • assistance in connection with antitrust investigations,
  • court representation in challenging the sanctions imposed by the Competition Council,
  • implementation of ethics walls,
  • other day-to-day competition matters.

Contact us for more details