
PPP & Procurement

There is more and more action on the PPP & Procurement scene, with some industries, such as healthcare and medical services, being the stars during the COVID-19 pandemic. The public works sector also plays an important role in the game, with crucial investments on the agenda. A boost in the economy is most likely to emerge as well, through the national plan for recovery and resilience which sets new strategic investments in key areas, such as green transition, digitalization, health and education. In the legal field, things haven’t stayed still either.Some of the recent changes caused waves in the sector, such as those excluding from tenders any entities from non-EU jurisdictions that have not concluded commercial or pre-accession agreements with the European Union, due to the lack or reduced warranties in environmental, social, sustainable development and quality standards. It will be of interest for such entities with a previous constant presence in Romanian public tenders to find a way to continue their presence in the future as well.

With lawyers that combine a comprehensive understanding of the business environment and public procurement particularities with in-depth knowledge of the national and EU laws regulating the sector, the team is characterized by attention to details, availability, responsiveness and the ability to offer support to clients on every stage of the process, from the initial bid and financing, to the implementation and potential disputes. The team also benefits from cross-practice support from other departments like commercial, tax and litigation. Among others, our expertise includes:

  • compliance with Romanian and EU public procurement legislation,
  • compliance with the award documentation and assistance regarding the preparation of the bids,
  • assistance during the bids process and the evaluation process,
  • assistance during the implementation of procurement contracts,
  • post-closing assistance in day-to-day implementation of contracts,
  • assistance to amicable solve potential disputes with tenderers,
  • public procurement litigation,
  • providing advice, including risk assessments, in all phases of public private partnerships and concession projects,
  • structuring public private partnerships and concession agreements,
  • expropriations,
  • privatizations,
  • advice on private finance initiatives and other similar projects
  • regulatory issues.

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